Retrieves a liquidity pool by its unique identifier.
The unique identifier of the liquidity pool.
curl -L \
--url 'https://indexer-dev.saturnbtc.io/v0/pool/by-id/{id}'
"liquidity": "text",
"price": "text",
"token0Amount": "text",
"token1Amount": "text",
"config": {
"pubkey": "text",
"fee_tier": 1,
"shards": 1,
"token_0": {
"block": "text",
"tx": 1
"token_1": {
"block": "text",
"tx": 1
"shards": [
"pubkey": "text",
"utxo": "text",
"pool_pubkey": "text",
"liquidity": "text",
"protocol_fee_owed": "text",
"last_block_height": "text",
"times_updated": "text",
"k_last": "text",
"k_last_counter": "text",
"mempoolInfo": {
"ancestorsCount": 1,
"ancestorsSize": 1,
"descendantsCount": 1,
"descendantsSize": 1
"pending_to_send": [
"address": "text",
"amount": "text"
"rune_utxo": {
"value": "text",
"utxo": {
"txid": "text",
"vout": 1
"needs_consolidation": {
"No": {}
"runes": [
"amount": "text",
"id": {
"block": "text",
"tx": 1
"status": {
"Pending": {
"total_fee": "text",
"total_size": 1
"btc_utxos": [
"value": "text",
"utxo": {
"txid": "text",
"vout": 1
"needs_consolidation": {
"No": {}
"runes": [
"amount": "text",
"id": {
"block": "text",
"tx": 1
"status": {
"Pending": {
"total_fee": "text",
"total_size": 1
The liquidity pool details with serialized BigInt values.
Retrieves liquidity pools matching the specified token names and optional fee tier.
curl -L \
--url 'https://indexer-dev.saturnbtc.io/v0/pool/by-token-names?token0=text&token1=text'
"liquidity": "text",
"price": "text",
"token0Amount": "text",
"token1Amount": "text",
"config": {
"pubkey": "text",
"fee_tier": 1,
"shards": 1,
"token_0": {
"block": "text",
"tx": 1
"token_1": {
"block": "text",
"tx": 1
"shards": [
"pubkey": "text",
"utxo": "text",
"pool_pubkey": "text",
"liquidity": "text",
"protocol_fee_owed": "text",
"last_block_height": "text",
"times_updated": "text",
"k_last": "text",
"k_last_counter": "text",
"mempoolInfo": {
"ancestorsCount": 1,
"ancestorsSize": 1,
"descendantsCount": 1,
"descendantsSize": 1
"pending_to_send": [
"address": "text",
"amount": "text"
"rune_utxo": {
"value": "text",
"utxo": {
"txid": "text",
"vout": 1
"needs_consolidation": {
"No": {}
"runes": [
"amount": "text",
"id": {
"block": "text",
"tx": 1
"status": {
"Pending": {
"total_fee": "text",
"total_size": 1
"btc_utxos": [
"value": "text",
"utxo": {
"txid": "text",
"vout": 1
"needs_consolidation": {
"No": {}
"runes": [
"amount": "text",
"id": {
"block": "text",
"tx": 1
"status": {
"Pending": {
"total_fee": "text",
"total_size": 1
A list of liquidity pools with serialized BigInt values.
Retrieves liquidity pools matching the specified token IDs and optional fee tier.
curl -L \
--url 'https://indexer-dev.saturnbtc.io/v0/pool/by-token-ids?token0=text&token1=text'
"liquidity": "text",
"price": "text",
"token0Amount": "text",
"token1Amount": "text",
"config": {
"pubkey": "text",
"fee_tier": 1,
"shards": 1,
"token_0": {
"block": "text",
"tx": 1
"token_1": {
"block": "text",
"tx": 1
"shards": [
"pubkey": "text",
"utxo": "text",
"pool_pubkey": "text",
"liquidity": "text",
"protocol_fee_owed": "text",
"last_block_height": "text",
"times_updated": "text",
"k_last": "text",
"k_last_counter": "text",
"mempoolInfo": {
"ancestorsCount": 1,
"ancestorsSize": 1,
"descendantsCount": 1,
"descendantsSize": 1
"pending_to_send": [
"address": "text",
"amount": "text"
"rune_utxo": {
"value": "text",
"utxo": {
"txid": "text",
"vout": 1
"needs_consolidation": {
"No": {}
"runes": [
"amount": "text",
"id": {
"block": "text",
"tx": 1
"status": {
"Pending": {
"total_fee": "text",
"total_size": 1
"btc_utxos": [
"value": "text",
"utxo": {
"txid": "text",
"vout": 1
"needs_consolidation": {
"No": {}
"runes": [
"amount": "text",
"id": {
"block": "text",
"tx": 1
"status": {
"Pending": {
"total_fee": "text",
"total_size": 1
A list of liquidity pools with serialized BigInt values.
Retrieves statistics for multiple pools identified by their IDs.
curl -L \
--url 'https://indexer-dev.saturnbtc.io/v0/pool/stats/by-ids?poolIds=text'
"id": "text",
"tvl_now": "text",
"tvl_24h_ago": "text",
"tvl_diff": "text",
"volume_24h": "text",
"volume_diff_24h": "text",
"fees_24h": "text",
"apy_24h": "text",
"apy": "text",
"volume_7d": "text",
"fees_7d": "text",
"apy_7d": "text",
"price": "text",
"token0Amount": "text",
"token1Amount": "text",
"liquidity": "text",
"fee_rate": 1,
"token0": {
"id": "text",
"name": "text",
"displayName": "text",
"symbol": "text",
"tradeable": true,
"verified": true,
"icon": "text",
"priority": 1,
"divisibility": 1,
"supply": "text",
"batchSize": "text",
"transactionId": "text",
"createdAt": "text",
"type": null
"token1": {
"id": "text",
"name": "text",
"displayName": "text",
"symbol": "text",
"tradeable": true,
"verified": true,
"icon": "text",
"priority": 1,
"divisibility": 1,
"supply": "text",
"batchSize": "text",
"transactionId": "text",
"createdAt": "text",
"type": null
A list of pool statistics with serialized BigInt values.
Retrieves a paginated list of pool statistics based on provided filters.
curl -L \
--request POST \
--url 'https://indexer-dev.saturnbtc.io/v0/pool/stats/by-filter' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"minTvl":"text","minVolume":"text","offset":1,"name":[null],"sort":[{}]}'
"offset": 1,
"response": [
"id": "text",
"tvl_now": "text",
"tvl_24h_ago": "text",
"tvl_diff": "text",
"volume_24h": "text",
"volume_diff_24h": "text",
"fees_24h": "text",
"apy_24h": "text",
"apy": "text",
"volume_7d": "text",
"fees_7d": "text",
"apy_7d": "text",
"price": "text",
"token0Amount": "text",
"token1Amount": "text",
"liquidity": "text",
"fee_rate": 1,
"token0": {
"id": "text",
"name": "text",
"displayName": "text",
"symbol": "text",
"tradeable": true,
"verified": true,
"icon": "text",
"priority": 1,
"divisibility": 1,
"supply": "text",
"batchSize": "text",
"transactionId": "text",
"createdAt": "text",
"type": null
"token1": {
"id": "text",
"name": "text",
"displayName": "text",
"symbol": "text",
"tradeable": true,
"verified": true,
"icon": "text",
"priority": 1,
"divisibility": 1,
"supply": "text",
"batchSize": "text",
"transactionId": "text",
"createdAt": "text",
"type": null
A paginated response containing a list of pool statistics with serialized BigInt values.
Retrieves a paginated list of pool statistics grouped by tokens based on provided filters.
curl -L \
--request POST \
--url 'https://indexer-dev.saturnbtc.io/v0/pool/stats/by-token-filter' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"minTvl":"text","minVolume":"text","offset":1,"name":[null],"sort":[{}]}'
"offset": 1,
"response": [
"volume_24h": "text",
"volume_diff_24h": "text",
"volume_7d": "text",
"fees_24h": "text",
"tvl_now": "text",
"tvl_24h_ago": "text",
"tvl_diff": "text",
"smaller_24h_apy": "text",
"larger_24h_apy": "text",
"smaller_7d_apy": "text",
"larger_7d_apy": "text",
"pools": [
"id": "text",
"liquidity": "text",
"price": "text",
"token0Amount": "text",
"token1Amount": "text",
"tvl_now": "text",
"tvl_24h_ago": "text",
"tvl_diff": "text",
"volume_24h": "text",
"volume_diff_24h": "text",
"fees_24h": "text",
"apy_24h": "text",
"apy_7d": "text",
"apy": "text",
"volume_7d": "text",
"fees_7d": "text",
"fee_rate": 1
"token0": {
"id": "text",
"name": "text",
"displayName": "text",
"symbol": "text",
"tradeable": true,
"verified": true,
"icon": "text",
"priority": 1,
"divisibility": 1,
"supply": "text",
"batchSize": "text",
"transactionId": "text",
"createdAt": "text",
"type": null
"token1": {
"id": "text",
"name": "text",
"displayName": "text",
"symbol": "text",
"tradeable": true,
"verified": true,
"icon": "text",
"priority": 1,
"divisibility": 1,
"supply": "text",
"batchSize": "text",
"transactionId": "text",
"createdAt": "text",
"type": null
A paginated response containing a list of grouped pool statistics with serialized BigInt values.
Retrieves a paginated list of liquidity pools based on the specified name and sorting options.
curl -L \
--url 'https://indexer-dev.saturnbtc.io/v0/pool?offset=1'
"offset": 1,
"response": [
"liquidity": "text",
"price": "text",
"token0Amount": "text",
"token1Amount": "text",
"config": {
"pubkey": "text",
"fee_tier": 1,
"shards": 1,
"token_0": {
"block": "text",
"tx": 1
"token_1": {
"block": "text",
"tx": 1
"shards": [
"pubkey": "text",
"utxo": "text",
"pool_pubkey": "text",
"liquidity": "text",
"protocol_fee_owed": "text",
"last_block_height": "text",
"times_updated": "text",
"k_last": "text",
"k_last_counter": "text",
"mempoolInfo": {
"ancestorsCount": 1,
"ancestorsSize": 1,
"descendantsCount": 1,
"descendantsSize": 1
"pending_to_send": [
"address": "text",
"amount": "text"
"rune_utxo": {
"value": "text",
"utxo": {
"txid": "text",
"vout": 1
"needs_consolidation": {
"No": {}
"runes": [
"amount": "text",
"id": {
"block": "text",
"tx": 1
"status": {
"Pending": {
"total_fee": "text",
"total_size": 1
"btc_utxos": [
"value": "text",
"utxo": {
"txid": "text",
"vout": 1
"needs_consolidation": {
"No": {}
"runes": [
"amount": "text",
"id": {
"block": "text",
"tx": 1
"status": {
"Pending": {
"total_fee": "text",
"total_size": 1
A paginated response containing a list of liquidity pools with serialized BigInt values.
Last updated